Sunday, 9 February 2014

1st Learning Reflection #OCL4Ed

I totally agree with Stephen Downes in addressing that Open Licensing of textbook or use of OER will save money for our students and at the same time allow more collaborative approach of sharing resources. In addition in the near future it can contribute to a cheaper education system for all.

The use of OERs at University of the South Pacific (USP) has recently gained some popularity ans some teaching staff are now using OER in their courses. But this is on a very small scale and the OER's used are just bits and pieces of materials from open content provided. Moving into open text books will be a challenges but we think it will start to happen soon.

Sunday, 2 February 2014


Recently completed a course on
Mobiles for Development a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) by IIT Kanpur and COL
It was an experience which demanded good time management skills and self motivation. But in the end managed to complete the course successfully and attained Certificate of Competence. Topics that were covered

Currently taking another MOOC course offered by OERuniversity on Open Content Licensing for Educators.